What is the PRD number?
PRD refers to an identification number on a Blackberry smartphone. It stands for Product Requirements Documents. The number is a sort/batch number and is reference to where, when and for which wireless carrier the handset was manufactured for. All Blackberry models are not alike, but differ depending on the firmware installed, the software, language and the branding needed for the designated telecom provider they are going to be sold under.
The PRD number comprises of of eight numbers and can look something like this:
The PRD number can be found by taking the battery off your blackberry and looking on the UPC label on the back of the cellphone. The number can also be found in the software of the phone in the engineering screens.
Some examples of Blackberry PRD numbers:
PRD-12528-169 PRD-23593-041 PRD-19502-002 PRD-22706-021 PRD-19502-006 PRD-28116-003 PRD-28116-003 PRD-22706-016 PRD-22578-161 PRD-22578-040 PRD-17739-051 PRD-26208-051 PRD-22578-168 PRD-20973-001 PRD-17739-148 PRD-15735-001 PRD-17739-157 PRD-26604-009 PRD-30607-043 PRD-17739-081 PRD-27603-002 PRD-17740-004 PRD-28116-003 PRD-17116-108 PRD-15694-001 PRD-17739-048 PRD-27486-062 PRD-22578-024 PRD-12528-009 PRD-12528-010 PRD-23593-053 PRD-11929-001 PRD-29973-036 PRD-17739-110 PRD-22578-140 PRD-18172-045 PRD-26208-014 PRD-18172-042 PRD-17739-077 PRD-17739-048 PRD-12528-073 PRD-23593-001 PRD-27603-002 PRD-31596-001 PRD-27603-031 PRD-27803-031 PRD-27486-021 PRD-31593-003 PRD-28711-001 PRD-23593-044 PRD-17739-081 PRD-17739-014 PRD-30607-001 PRD-21009-003 PRD-17739-048 PRD-15562-012 PRD-28211-001 PRD-28712-001 PRD-19213-001 PRD-23593-053 PRD-23593-023 PRD-33322-001 PRD-31028-001 PRD-27603-031 PRD-30001-100 PRD-33320-012 PRD-28521-003 PRD-12528-008 PRD-18172-010 PRD-19502-004 PRD-19502-010 PRD-22578-072 PRD-21414-001 PRD-22578-103 PRD-38266-103 PRD-33293-032 PRD-20973-123 PRD-26138-030 PRD-12528-053 PRD-15562-001 PRD-21009-003 PRD-32136-018 PRD-30001-068 PRD-22578-072 PRD-22578-176 PRD-17739-112 PRD-30001-092 PRD-31024-001 PRD-12528-044 PRD-26211-001 PRD-17739-077 PRD-30001-009 PRD-23593-048 PRD-31024-001 PRD-30001-153 PRD-30231-015 PRD-31123-003 PRD-17491-010 PRD-17739-023 PRD-26608-059 PRD-26610-001 PRD-30011-04 PRD-17739-004 PRD-17491-002 PRD-30607-052 PRD-30011-048 PRD-24202-051 PRD-19502-700 PRD-30020-001 PRD-17739-051 PRD-29973-023 PRD-26211-020 PRD-17739-081 PRD-15562-011 PRD-18298-023 PRD-29973-031 PRD-32353-001 PRD-12528-033 PRD-33293-002 PRD-23593-001 PRD-30001-028 PRD-23593-005 PRD-17739-014 PRD-12528-034 PRD-15562-037 PRD-32360-002 PRD-19702-002 PRD-31593-001 PRD-29973-004 PRD-33293-001 PRD-29973-057 PRD-27603-034 PRD-32360-001 PRD-32136-042 PRD-17491-007 PRD-19502-003 PRD-17116-013 PRD-29973-003 PRD-26608-028 PRD-22736-002 PRD-26521-003 PRD-18172-103 PRD-30001-007 PRD-31593-007 PRD-17116-051 PRD-29765-004 PRD-15562-012 PRD-22578-055 PRD-17739-014 PRD-30002-001 PRD-31677-002 PRD-27603-002 PRD-12528-008 PRD-15056-005 PRD-17491-011 PRD-17739-109 PRD-27603-016 PRD-31596-014 PRD-33293-015 PRD-18824-003 PRD-18796-010 PRD-26208-040 PRD-33291-065 PRD-30231-028 PRD-17739-014 PRD-17116-066 PRD-22578-103 PRD-17739-109 PRD-17739-040 PRD-32351-025 PRD-26208-038 PRD-18172-073 PRD-39474-001 PRD-31119-006 PRD-17739-106 PRD-15995-079 PRD-12528-034 PRD-29388-011 PRD-27603-088 PRD-23593-010 PRD-33474-002 PRD-27803-035 PRD-28117-002 PRD-30002-156 PRD-33291-007 PRD-38284-004 PRD-33291-002 PRD-41625-003 PRD-23595-001 PRD-39474-001 PRD-31119-001 PRD-18224-001 PRD-17116-047 PRD-30001-052 PRD-34742-001 PRD-30001-028 PRD-39474-003 PRD-38860-045 PRD-38859-001 PRD-38290-002 PRD-29973-087 PRD-38284-015 PRD-38860-043 PRD-20973-065 PRD-28716-007 PRD-22578-018 PRD-32163-015 PRD-31677-114 PRD-23593-048 PRD-19374-003 PRD-44228-001 PRD-39372-050 PRD-33933-047 PRD-30852-001 PRD-39474-001
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