BBM 6.1 Is Ready To Test Your Avatar Too.
Research In Motion have BBM 6.1 trialing in Beta and it is being rated as more than just a patch to fix previous anomalies. BBM 6.1 includes enhancement of several popular features that users may wish to test run. They include:
A dozen new emoticons that will permit you decorate your humor, passion, sarcasm or intellect, or your ability to illustrate what you wish to communicate at the press of a single button.
Animated Avatars
The Beta version offers only three animated GIF’s but more will added when the product launches. Recipients will see the animation when hovering over the avatar. It’s understood that the full version will also allow you to add your own avatars from outside sources.
Colored Chat Bubbles
BBM 6.1 allows you to choose from a selection of ten colors and to pre assign a recipient’s customized color via your contacts profile.
Camera and Avatar Integration
The new release permits updating of your BBM avatar directly from your BlackBerry’s camera app which includes “Set As BBM Display Picture” on the menu.
Personal Message Length Increased
Message length has been doubled to 160 characters.
Sadly I Admit To Being Emoticonless
I admit to never using them. Also I’m not registered with the BlackBerry’s Beta Zone and will not be invited to their amoticon party. If you are registered AND a lover of emoticons, let us know how you find it. Naturally we include your opinion’s on the other upgrades too. Happy emoticoning.