Research In Motion, the parent company behind the BlackBerry® Smartphones, announced today that their much anticipated new mobile operating system will be called BBX™. This was announced by co-CEO Mike Lazaridis at RIM’s annual developers conference in San Francisco.
Currently, the latest firmware released is QNX and it is being used on the BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet. BBX™ is supposed to be an improved combination of QNX and the OS7 firmware which is currently used on the Blackberry® Curve™, Bold™, Pearl™ and Torch™ smartphones. It is expected that going forward all new mobile devices launched in early 2012 will operate on the BBX™ platform.
This is a big announcement coming on weeks of bad news due to the recent BBM™ service outages. BBX™ is RIM future and the technology must deliver if it is to compete against Apple’s iPhone, HTC and Samsung among others in the highly competitive smartphone market. All of RIM’s devices going forward will operate on this platform.
In a similar move to Apple, the BBX™ platform will support cloud services and be open for developers in the HTML5 language. Another feature that was unveiled today was the Cascades UI Framework designed for advanced graphics. The developer tools are being called BlackBerry® Jam and are aimed at getting programers to embrace and write more applications for the BBX™ platform.
RIM’s co-CEO offered an apology for the recent service outages to the more than 50 million BBM™ users. These users will get to pick from a list of Applications they can download for free as compensation for the blackout in service. At UnlockWorldwide.com we are exited about the news of the BBX™ platform and look forward to bringing you more details.
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